„P The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff ¡V A story about the life and times of a group of friends in the 100-acre woods. This series of stories define the antics of Winnie- the-Pooh, a bear of not too much brain, as he would say about himself. However, Winnie-the-Pooh does follow his Tao in his everyday life and he is very happy about it.

„P The Tao of Tea ¡V A specialty brand of tea that has become a popular item with people. This tea company not only produces the tea, it gives a history of the region where the tea is grown and also the lives of the people who grow the tea, complete with their life styles and culture.

„P The Tao of Programming translated by Geoffrey James. This is a tongue-in-cheek translation of the Tao Te Ching relating to the mysteries of computer programming. IT shows the ¡§way¡¨ of obtaining a proper prospective on programming. It is a satire on programming method and funny to read.

„P The Tao of Star Wars ¡V Now this is more like it! The comparison between Tao and Star Wars is so apparent with the way George Lucas wrote his fairy-tale story that it almost becomes instinctive. We see the association between Tao and the movie theme extremely well. Keep up the good work, George!

„P The Tao of the Ride by Garri Garripoli A handbook to take cruising with you on this crazy ride called life, Tao of the Ride is a refreshing and inspiring read for anyone seeking balance and clarity, and a reminder that we can have fun on the journey. A supplement to this is the book, ¡§Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance¡¨ telling all about how to maintain a Harley bike.

„P Tao of Jeek Kune Do by Bruce Lee. This book tries to explain his martial arts philosophy of a fighting style that is not a fighting style, his approach to martial arts and his life.